Saturday, September 17, 2011

1939.8 miles and making progress!!

The 'for-profit' medical clinics followed us everywhere we went........
......Just waiting for the inevitable liver failures!

The 'John Muir' day shelter on the way to
Yosemite NP - (no overnight camping) 

Lake 'Wanda' - Named after one of John Muir's daughters.

Enjoying the morning sun.....

It's now 11:00AM.... note the clouds
Remember the old saying...
"Clouds before 11:00....Thunder storms by 7:00"

"Did I tell you.....I don't like thunder storms??"

And then the next morning....all is forgiven.....
Until the afternoon when it start all over again!
With snow this time!
But then it's God's country again in the morning
and all is well with the world!
We're the weird ones out here!....
Most people come here to fish!

(Probably more logical than just
 chasing rabbits up mountains)
"Rest time!....chasing rabbits is hard work!"
This is another thing they get right!....
......have some animal carry your stuff!
Gorgeous country....The 'Carson-iceberg wilderness'
Hiking along at the 11,000' level.
(except for here - dropped to the lake below to escape the thunder storms)


While Darrell puts in his 20 miles a day
We kill time in other ways......!

Staff reporters John and Sandy reporting for duty!
'BODIE'  an 'arrested decay' ghost town!
An old, turn of the century, gold and silver mine!
(Typewriter above was courtesy of Bodie!)

As always....We cheat!

Here's how WE do the PCT!
......On horseback!
From Devil's Post Pile to the red Cones!
The view from the driver's seat!
(Oops....I mean...Saddle!)
The biggest problem??....
Getting these  *&%#  horses to stop eating while underway!
They must have known Dan was thinking of coming here!
They added 'NO HANG GLIDERS'
just to be on the safe side!
Dropped in at the Lone Pine
'Beverly and Jim Rogers film museum'
(They filmed 80% of the B class westerns
in the nearby Alabama hills)
The Alabama hills!....classic western scenery!
(except us of course)

And Guess what else they had at the museum??

A 1941 Buick coupe convertible!

The exact same car I had as a young man!
(read... a long time ago!)

The car I drove back in the 70's

(except for a 1964 401cu in V8, 1959 power steering,
1960 power brakes, 1962 rear end.... honking big radial tires.....
Except for that..... mine was pretty much stock!)

A great car for enjoying the sunshine!

Here's one for Klaas
A great example of first-class body work!

Want bigger tires??

No Problem.... Grab some pliers and presto!....Done!
And how do we end the day??
Simple.... a nice glass of wine by the camp fire!
Good night until the ext post!

Monday, September 05, 2011

1751.4 miles ....Birthday time in the high Sierras!!

Another day older and one more dollar in debt!
(OK...another year older and way more in debt!)
Darrell is one year shy of 60 now.

And with the extra year comes the following!!

Do...Do I have to??

Enjoying the sunny, snow free Trinity Alps
Castle crags to Etna

With no direct support (i.e. Richard, Rob, Rod or Nicola)
Darrell relies on benevolent Trail Angels again!
Always a pleasure!....never ending flowers....all summer long.

Surprise..Surprise....ran into Mark & Holly again!
Shared a glass a champagne with them at Mile '0'
 on the Mexican border, April 17!

Have now moved south to the Sierra Nevada's
Picking up where we left off....Kennedy Meadows
...view of typical alpine pond as DA hikes north..

Nice, clear skies up here!

Up..down....Up..down....This is the 'down'.
At least I didn't have to ford this one!

some people 'cheat' .... maybe they have a case......

Another high pass....Getting closer to the big one!
Rugged mountains in the Mt. Whitney area!
A lot of up and down.
(Feels like mostly up!)

And a high camp!
Finally....the big one!
Have now completed both the high and the low points on the PCT!

Fellow hikers/climbers on the trail .........(not PCT'rs)

Finally back to Dusy Basin!
After the first aborted trip 33 years ago!!

Next stop?

Over Bishop pass and into town for some R & R
( shower and cheap wine!)


Having dropped Darrell off at Kennedy Meadows for his final journey north
John and Sandy spend their time trying to avoid the hot, eastern Sierra sun!

Temperatures in the valley are in the 95 -100 F range - too hot to stay down low!

This was in Bridgeport heading south!
(Technically we hadn't dropped DA off yet
But we were starting to feel the valley heat!)
This would be funny if it wasn't so true!

Camp visitors in the McCloud area
( I guess they didn't know cross-bow hunting season was about to start)

Flowers in the dessert? ...well sort of....
these were on the flanks of telescope peak ...
part of death valley!
On top of Telescope peak ....11,000+ feet
( Death valley Badwater below us at - 190 ' below sealevel)
A great hike ....and cool temperatures!
A day hike to Army pass (12,000') in the high Sierras..
Another hike to high elevation to avoid the heat!
(Mt Whitney in the distance on the right)
Time out for something 'normal'
Went to the 'Tri-County Rodeo' in Bishop....
Man...... can those cowboys, cowgirls and horses move!!
Back to our 'normal'..... A hike through the Bristlecone Pine forest
The trees here are up to 4600 years old!!
Including dead wood found on the ground in this area they
can use tree rings to go back in time up to 11,000 years!

This was a really nice hike at 10,000' -- nice and cool!
Hiking to Bishop pass to pick up DA
(as noted earlier... 33 years since our last visit!)

DA .....Coming down from Dusy Basin and Bishop pass
The end of a very long...26 mile day!

Darrell never complains about sore feet...
If he ever does we just threaten him with this remedy....!

A pair of  bionic, stone age feet!!

See you next post!....

(Sorry pussycat pix this time!)