Monday, May 16, 2011

454 miles,.... Mr Luke... and the 'Phantom of the opera!'

Hi... I'm Mr Luke.... I told you once!...and I told you twice!!...This is a charity drive!!
Now ...cough up!!
Mr D will explain!

heh..heh.....Rude little bast...rd ....He's talking
about this shirt.... 
and this shirt....
And this shirt..... 'Hope's place women's shelter' - see link in the blog!

This wasn't part of the deal!... I came down here to get away from this stuff
And they didn't tell me about this either!

Or this... The massive 2009 burn! it shut down a good part of the San Gabriel mountains from 2009 to the present.

Hallowed ground for 'trekkies' - " Beam me up scotty!" .... seems it didn't work ...
Captain Kirk was still standing there when Darrell walked by!

Sandy at the 'golden spike' (so to speak)
This was the site of the June 5, 1993 completion of the PCT
Ignore Newton at your own peril!!!
Camp under these trees and your likely to wake up with a headache
'Coulter' pine cones.... can weigh up to 5 lbs!

Taking a page out of Spain's book...
but in the Mojave desert..... Solar electricity via super heated steam and conventional turbines!
looks like an experimental set-up with two types of solar 'collectors'
Certainly was bright ...could see them from miles around!

This hill was trying to take off..... wasn't working!

Sandy and John on a side trip - The Westminster Presbyterian Church in Pasadena!
And here's why ....... A spectacular  concert of five centuries of pipe organ music
including several pieces by Johann Sebatian Bach (1685-1750)
Simply incredible - well worth the drive into town!!
'Phatom of the Opera' ... but better!
Now remember what I was talking to you about!!!


  1. Hey there it is Nicola
    Great photos, like the phantom.
    No snow here, sunny and warm (well at least that is the forecast)
    Keep on trekking Darrell, one foot in front of the other, that is my philosophy. One day at a time.
    Miss you all
    Sandy...I remember those pine cones. You brought me back one years ago. I still have it. Another would be nice. Likely you will not have room. Darrell could pack it with him though, what is another 5 lbs.
    John, yup stiff upper lip!!
    Love Nicola

  2. Very exciting, I have coughed up

