Friday, October 19, 2012

HALF WAY! (Almost!) - 400+ miles to go!



There's a reason why 'Snowbirds' go to Arizona....

.....It's always sunny!! 


5 Lbs of gooey muck on each foot

Rain, hail and snow coming in

Refuge in a cave...well, at least until the sun comes out!

Looking better in the morning!

Except it's c-c-cold now!....Frost
inside and outside of the tent

An old logging railway bed.... Might be OK for railways....
.....downright crappy for walking!

And really crappy for this guy -
He's cycling the whole trail - 24/7
....Stopping only to catnap!

Hats off to these guys.... The Arizona Trail Association....
Maintaining and repairing the trail on the Mogollon plateau

And this is their vehicle....Kindly donated by the local Toyota dealers
A well worthwhile  detour to Mormon Lake for a burger and beer...
There was a Hot Rod show in town!



Woke to wet, crappy weather



So bad we went back to bed....
(It was better a couple of hours later so we
headed out then)

Hiking in with Darrell  ....Fetching water a typical 'tank'

It might have been cool
It might have been refreshing....
But it certainly wasn't clear!!

Nice hiking...but these trail markers can
be hard to find at times!

Obviously heading south ...Cactus plants!!

Including the large prickly pear

The fruit is yummy.....but watch how you eat it!
Do it wrong and you'll have a mouthful of tiny
needle for a few days!
(Been there...done that!!......not pleasant!)

My next project.....I'm going to restore this puppy!!


Winter is coming! ....Snow in the San Fransisco Mountains

A more typical pass time...

And evenings!

Take 33.........CUT!
      Take 34.......CUT!!
...............Take 35........PRINT IT!
 On location at the Bradshaw Tank
With the film crew!
 Filming Darrell's video for a New Zealand contest!
(Check out Youtube: 'Great walker entry - Darrell Ainscough')
No..... I didn't do that......why??
 Till Next Post

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