Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Three-quarters done - 200 Miles to go!


Heading for the Phoenix and Tuscon area!

An infinite variety of trail signs!
Fairly easy going (as long as you can find the trail!)

And rough going -( even if you're on the trail )

This gets used a lot!! (GPS)

Even then it doesn't always works......

Sometimes they simply move the trail on you!

'Arlo Guthrie' must have come this way!!

" And the graveyards of the rusted automobiles..."
Darrell's first  ' Siguaro'.......Awesome!!
Even in death the 'Agave' give it's all...

It only flowers after 25 years....
...and then dies...
What a life!

"Alright!!.... a non-dessert fruit!!.... an apple!!......something I dare to eat!!
One source of water.... OK .... as long as you don't mind sharing!!

A better long as you get the water
before it dribbles into the scuzzy tank!!

They provide everything for you on this trail!!
(Not complaining.... but it could be softer!)

"Not taking any chances with water tonight!!"

Gorgeous evening!

And moon!
It's well known that nobody gets lost on the Arizona trail..
Until they do....that is!....
Like this guy...! 

Had it all !!....maps....compass......gps........Go Figure!?


On the plus side......You don't get poked, scratched or torn up at all on this trail....

Nope..... Not at all!!



We had lots of visitors in camp and on the trail!

A Tarantula

.....Apparently it's just the males that come out to play....
 - females stay in the den
Tons of skunks .... They come right up to you.....
You need to shoo them away.. very.... carefully....
.....unless you feel like buying a lot of tomato juice....

"Umm....excuse me!.....You're in my way!"


" I'm prettier than he is!!"

This guy was  2.5" to 3" in length
(And too heavy to hop much!)

This is a 'stick bug'

Very hard to see unless someone points them out to you!!

You really do think it's just a twig hanging on the wall!

'Give me hug' takes on a whole new meaning with these guys

I think these guys were giving a 'special hug'!!
("Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, know what I mean?")
Javalino -  a sort of wild pig
(But not really a pig)

A whole 'herd' of them - very noisy - eating all
 the walnuts in camp!
Lots of these guys....just walking around...
You'd think they'd know better !!
(considering the time of year)



As usual ... we do the pretty stuff!

And the 'dangerous' stuff....
'Poison Ivy' .. Rubbed it all over... no reaction at all!!

Same thing happened with poison Oak..


Our first ' Siguaro'........Awesomer!!


Evolution is a wonderful thing!

These 'Arizona Sycamour' trees have developed a camouflage
bark so the 'rape and pillage crowd' (loggers) can't find them!


And in retaliation.....

The 'rape and pillage crowd' (loggers)
have developed a tree of their own:
The  ....' Turritus Celulae Pinus'

A little culture......

The cliff houses at Tonto
'Montezuma Castle'
By Roosevelt lake

Looks like graffiti..... It's actually a very accurate planting calender!!


Darrell and John attacking the bottle......
......Darrell still going strong...
.....John's already fading fast...

Sandy does NOT approve!!

Till next post!

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